Cercis Merlot
Merlot Redbud Tree
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Common Name: Merlot Redbud
Latin Name: Cercis canadensis ‘Merlot’
Soil: Moist, well-drained soil
Position: Full sun or partial shade
Flowering period/colour: Spring/Deep pink-purple
Hardiness: Very hardy
Height and spread in 10 years: 2.5m/ 2.5m
Special features: A profusion of deep pink flowers in spring and waxy purple leaves in spring and summer
Combining Cersis ‘Texas White’ and Cercis ‘Forest Pansy’ was always going to result in something special, but the child of these two great varieties has far exceeded expectations. The ‘Merlot’ is an outstanding hybrid which combines the best features of each of its parents to create a truly fantastic tree. The leaves are deep purple-red in colour, which is reflected in its apt name of ‘Merlot’, and they have a glossy coating over them which makes them shine. The cordate or heart-shaped leaves turn to a rich green colour by mid-summer and new growth shoots through in the purple colour which makes a beautiful contrast between old and new. Aside from the outstanding foliage, this small tree also offers a stunning display of deep pink-purple flowers in spring; the ‘Merlot’ is the perfect lawn specimen and it should be planted in a position where its beauty can be appreciated.